2FA SSH authentication for your server

Install google-authenticator package

sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator

Configure google-authenticator

Run google-authenticator as the user you want to be 2FA's authenticated and answer a few questions.

Shall this tool update your configuration file ? Answer yes to this first question.

For max security :

  • Restrict the use of a token by waiting between login
  • Token Time Window : 30 sec.
  • Attempts numbers : 3

The last one helps to prevent brute-force login attacks.

Scan the QRCode (or enter key code) with your favorite smartphone.  

Make your SSH config

Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config and make sure to have this gobal configuration settings :

UsePAM yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

While you can use the following parameters gobally, I personnaly prefer having a per-user config :

Match User fred
     AuthenticationMethods publickey,password-interactive

Make your PAM config

Open /etc/pam.d/sshd with your favorite editor :

sudo vim /etc/pam.d/sshd

Add before "@include common-auth" section the following line

auth required  pam_google_authenticator.so

Restart your SSH server.


For your own safety, keep your current SSH session opened and from another window open a new SSH session to test your new 2FA authentication.


If you want to get rid of your password prompt and just rely on your SSH key + your OTP then adjust your SSH pam config like this :

# Standard Un*x authentication.
#@include common-auth
auth [success=1 default=ignore]   pam_google_authenticator.so
auth    requisite           pam_deny.so
auth    required            pam_permit.so

Comment the default common-auth entry which is the section which actually prompt for a password and report the two new 'auth' lines.