Istio Egress Filtering Deep Dive

Context In our Kubernetes cluster, in order to control connectivity between pods, we're using Istio as a service mesh. Practically, it means that every pod in our cluster has an envoy proxy attached to it, capturing traffic on both way : ingress and egress. By default, every pod can reach any…

Using flock to wait for a lock file to be released

I love flock. I frequently use it to wait something like 10 sec for apt to finish its unattended upgrades and release the apt lock, like this : ( flock -w 10 9 || exit 1 aptly repo remove $repo $files ) 9>/var/lock/aptlock…

Use rsync over SSH

I always forget this one... rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 2223'

Cleanup APTLY repo

After joining my new team, I've seen a huge number of packages in development's  APT repo. We use APTLY [] to manage our repo, and unfortunately it doesn't provide a way to expire or keep a number of package release. So, I wrote this python script to…

2FA SSH authentication for your server

Install google-authenticator package sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator Configure google-authenticator Run google-authenticator as the user you want to be 2FA's authenticated and answer a few questions. Shall this tool update your configuration file ? Answer yes to this first question. For max security : * Restrict the use of a token by waiting between…


Voici les TP que j'ai dispensé durant quelques années aux étudiants de MMI (Métiers du Multimédia et Internet) à l'Université Clermont Auvergne. Ces TP utilisent une VM LinuxMint (what else ?!) dont vous pouvez télécharger l'ISO customisé ici. TP Réseaux, MMI, première année, semestre 1 TP1 : calculs d'espaces d'adressage IP TP…

Update all of your GIT repo with one line

I have so many GIT repo that I wanted to be able to update them all, easily. With just a one line command I could alias. Simple version could be like this : find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -name "??*" -exec sh -c "cd '{}' && git pull; cd .. " \; The idea is…

Use your touchid for sudo

The script below add the one line configuration if it hasn't been already done Source : []…